Integreate | our creative hub

INTEGREATE, your creative media partner

A strong, creative idea that translates your communication objectives into an effective cross-media campaign: that is what you can expect from Integreate, the creative hub of DPG Media Advertising. A strong team of strategists, creatives, media experts and an in-house production studio matches your brand with our media brands. We bet that you will leave an indelible impression on your target group. These advertisers preceded you.

A sparkling clean campaign for Dash

They say colder laundry is as effective, but is it really?

Our creative hub at its most efficient.

Dash 30° campagne

Humo's Krasse Knarren

VDAB restores Guy Mortier to glory

Old, but not obsolete. There is no age limit on talent, so VDAB called back the HUMO editors of the past for a legendary issue full of anecdotes and life experience.

Our creative hub at its most honest.

VLAM, that's our quality

Passion and craftsmanship: that is what characterizes our local food producers. 'Recht van 't Veld': a campaign that made the heart of the Flemish people beat faster.

Our creative hub at its most tasteful.

VLAM Streekproduct

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