
Op het Nederlandse hoofdkantoor Mediavaert, dé journalistieke, creatieve en innovatieve mediahub, komen vanaf medio 2024 verschillende onafhankelijke redacties en afdelingen samen onder één dak en werken gepassioneerde collega’s aan de toekomst van media.

About Mediavaert

Creativity, innovation and expertise

At DPG Media, driven and dedicated professionals devote their talents to nurturing small ideas and helping them grow into major success stories. Our performance is built up around cooperation, digital innovation and excellent craftsmanship. The open atmosphere at our Mediavaert HQ allows that creativity and innovation to flourish. This is the central meeting place where colleagues from various areas of expertise gather: from journalists, radio DJs and designers, to digital platform developers, marketeers and sales professionals.

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A modern and pleasant working environment

DPG Media’s versatility finds expression in Mediavaert’s state-of-the-art design, which is characterised by a range of layers and atmospheres. Open spaces, atriums and terraces provide an expansive spatial experience and facilitate interaction between users. The green spaces in, on, and around the building make for a healthy and inspiring working environment, and clear connections with the natural world.

The building not only offers numerous flexible workspaces and meeting rooms, but also quiet zones and brainstorming spaces. It also features several restaurants, sports facilities, a media cafe, radio and podcast studios, as well as a welcoming quayside events venue.


Designed with an eye for sustainability, biodiversity and smart energy consumption, Mediavaert has been awarded the prestigious Excellent label by sustainability experts BREEAM. A key design choice is its use of CO2-neutral cross-laminated timber. Covering an area of approximately 44,000 square metres, Mediavaert is one of the world’s largest hybrid timber office buildings.

Green spaces around the building encourage biodiversity, while water storage systems and other facilities ensure water savings. The building is equipped with solar panels and will be completely non-reliant on fossil fuels.

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Nice to know

m³ wood
m² gross area
meter walking route around the building

Latest news

Construction of Mediavaert commences

The construction of Europe’s largest timber hybrid offices, the new DPG Media headquarters, officially commenced on Wednesday 24 March 2021 at Van der Madeweg in the municipality of Ouder-Amstel, adjacent to Amsterdam.